
Put your arms around me and I'll never let go

Iedere avond is het weer raak. Zodra ik mijn licht uit moet doen raak ik in paniek. De meest romantische scenes komen in me op. Hopend dat hij daar eentje van uit kiest en het realiteit maakt. Ik geef niet snel op. But I know that it's done. I want to keep on fighting but something's holding me. I still can't believe how this has happend. When his arms were around me I let go. You should know I tried everything. Sweet smiles, even the dirty work. Someone please tell me what I did wrong. How can I make things like one year ago? I was so happy he'd stayed on my birthday. Loved him for staying with me, although I also had a girlfriend sleeping over. I took my moment then and I still can't get it out of my mind. Like somehow I knew it was coming. This week I did everything to keep him out of my mind. Luckely I did it. But still, every day there is a moment when my light has to go out. I hate these moments of a day. Please let me sleep forever or let me live without sleeping forever.

1 opmerking:

Ilse zei

Jij schrijft echt leuk!